Simply a Sidereal Astrology Site


Week Ahead April 19-26, 2024

Check dates carefully. They are based on 2024-25 Sun sign changes.

Pisces- March 14-April 13: One journey ends so a new one can begin. Actions and words have got to match. LLC 20,21,22 eat right, rest and focus on what you have to be grateful for. From there, you can decide what to bring into the future.

Aries - April 13- May 14: Be careful Look both ways. A sudden change or problem defiantly needs your attention right away. Find the silver lining. LLC 21,22 eat right and get enough rest. Engage with what is worth your time and effort.

Taurus - May 14-June 12: Actively beautify until midweek. Pressure drops about the same time. Keep placing one foot in front of the other to make progress while no one is looking too closely. LLC 24,25,26 eat right and get enough sleep.

Gemini - June 12-July 16: Keep double checking for mistakes all week. Pay attention to the soft spoken or fine print. Finish ahead of deadlines. It’s easier to talk with women or plan get-togethers after Tuesday.

Cancer- July 16 -Aug 16: Meet with women after Tuesday. Feel the pressure drop after midweek. Doublecheck for mistakes before you get the word out or show up! Trouble for someone else can affect you. Have their back or cut ties completely!

Leo- Aug 16- Sep 16: HC 19,20 you can shoulder more than others.Keep putting yourself in front of as many people as possible through Tuesday. There is a surprise or sudden change that could work to your advantage.

Virgo - Sep 16-Oct 16: HC 20,21,22 prepare to show what you know. Put yourself out there. A sudden change causes adjustments. Someone you’ve just connected with may be able to help. Stay on to[p of communications and paperwork.

Libra - Oct 17- Nov 15: A sudden change needs full attention. Take a deep breath. HC 23,24,25 develop a plan. A good deal of the stress will be over midweek. Enjoy living up to high standards. It’s a blessing not a curse.

Scorpio- Nov 15 - Dec 15: Change with the circumstances. You aren’t being anti-social just because you are getting as much done as possible this week. And now is the time to do it. HC 24,25,26 use your energy to do the most good you can.

Sagittarius- Dec 16- Jan 14: It could be a problem, or it could be an opportunity. Deal with it now by looking toward the future. Doublecheck everything. Pressure increases midweek. Look to friends, female and family for solutions.

Capricorn - Jan 14-Feb 13: Have coffee conversations with women by Tuesday. Sudden changes require attention. See a problem as a possible opportunity or at least a reason for a positive change. Beware at all times and stay focused.

Aquarius- Feb 13- March 14: LLC 18,19 eat right and get enough sleep. Find and correct mistakes. Be fully committed to at least a two year goal. Have the plans well developed. Keep your temper. Pressure drops midweek.

What’s this?

These horoscopes are written for the sidereal sun signs using the stars and not the seasons for calculation.

It’s helpful to read your sidereal rising sign if you know it.

HC and LLC are abbreviations for High Cycle and Lay Low Cycle. These days don’t guarantee things will go well or worse, but are more of an indication of your personal physical and emotional operational levels. Back in the day, we used to call these biorhythms.

Mars in Aquarius March 15- April 23

Feel the energy shift in some area of your life. That is the house Aquarius watches over. It will be about the solidifying a great idea or plan. If your Sun, Moon or Ascendant are in Aquarius, stay focused around machines and sharp objects. Sun or Mars in Aquarius folks are beginning a new dynamic energy cycle. They chose the direction or it’s chosen for them.

Mercury Retrograde April 1-25

Stupid Mercury Retrograde. It’s been a week! Unless you are born with Mercury Retrograde, mistakes abound. Try not to commit or start new things. However, this time is a good to sell, advertise and resume old projects. Fix it if it breaks.